Flip Flops

Flip Flops – To wear or not to wear, that is a good question

Now that we are into the warmth of summer it is time for a discussion on shoes. But before you reach for your flip flops make sure you read this. When you wear shoes that don’t connect to your feet (flip flops, slides, mules and slippers) your toes respond by curling up.  Why?  The “grip” is an attempt to keep your footwear from falling off. This causes the ends of the toes and other bones to be driven into the ground with higher than normal pressures.This can lead to calluses on the ends of toes or even worse – Fractures!

Check out this slo-motion video and still picture that shows how the toes curl when wearing flip flops.

Slo Mo flip flops

Toe curl in Flip Flops

Toe curl in Flip Flops

Surprising isn’t it. Don’t believe me. You can recreate this yourself.  Grab a friend and use your slo-mo video on your smart phone and see for yourself. I am not telling you that you should never wear flip flops.  What I am saying is don’t wear them when you expect to be walking for more than a few steps. Shoes that require a “grip” to help stay on your feet are not meant to be worn when walking for extended periods. If you know that you are going to be walking put on your favorite shoes that don’t require your toes to “grip” them in order to hold them on.

If you have been wearing your “grip” footwear and experiencing pain or developing calluses try switching to back to a traditional shoe type that doesn’t require your toes to “grip.”  If your pain continues make sure to call 402-315-4406 (402-315-4406) and schedule your appointment at Momentum Foot and Ankle Wellness Center.